Stay tuned….

December 2019 was crazy, we did a trip that took us almost around the world in two weeks.

5 countries

3 Airlines

You’ll get to hear all the good and bad…..there is some bad, well maybe just one bad.

From swimming with dolphins to rum and coke, island hopping, a beautiful wedding, and crazy parties if you stay tuned you get to hear it all and more.

New Zealand – Not what we expected

We were lucky enough to be given a gift of travel to New Zealand, how spoilt are we?

So perhaps not a country that is on top of our bucket list, we were going to arrive with no expectations. (Which I think is the best way to do things going forward)

We arrived in Auckland late at night, it was dark and we could not see a thing, we checked into a air bnb for the night and went to sleep. The next morning we woke up, had a lazy morning and then head off into the city of Auckland. Decided to see the city on the hop on hop off bus, which you can purchase tickets near the ferry terminal downtown. Included with our 24hour bus pass we got a ticket on the ferry to Davonport included, which is a 12 minute ferry ride across the bay.

The town of Devonport is so beautiful, its quaint, the old buildings have been maintained and offers tourists everything and I highly recommend everyone to check this place out.

Not having breakfast, and being now lunch time we decided to share a seafood platter at a great road side cafe. It had everything from oysters (which i tried for the first time) to fish, mussels, roast potatoes and ciabatta. YUM!

After our bellies were full we walked up our first extinct valcano, called mount Victoria. I very quickly realized how unfit I was and huffed and puffed all the way up the hill.

We made it to the top and the views were spectacular! Well worth the walk. 360 degree views across the bay. If its a warmer day I recommend you pick up some lunch and picnic up Mount Victoria and enjoy watching the boats glide across the bay and the views of SkyTower.

Oh and for the less fit people out there, the walk is very do-able, slow pace you should get up in about 20 minutes, so go on, do it!

By the time we left Davonport, it was starting to get late, so we jumped on the ferry back to Auckland then jumped on the bus and cruised around without getting off for the next hour. There are great places to stop, some you pay to gain entrance and others you can enjoy for free. Check out their website for more info

So this was our first day in Auckland, it was beautiful, lush and green. The people were so friendly, the food was delicious and we could not wait to see what the rest of New Zealand had to offer us.

Dubai – 2019

So huge news, we are moving to Australia!!!

We decided to make a holiday out of our stop-over in Dubai, probably not everyone’s cup of tea, we we just had the most amazing time in Dubai. From the weather everyday to the people, public transport and the beautiful dessert, we defiantly gave Dubai the thumbs up as a stop-over destination.

So after almost 2 years of paperwork and planning we received our visa for Australia, YAY!! When we went ahead and used Pentravel to book our flights, we realized how long the journey to Australia would be from South Africa, so we decided to make our stop over a holiday, after all there is always time to take a holiday.

After weeks of packing we hit the skies! Landed in Dubai in the early hours of the morning and set off for our hotel. The hotel was great we had this amazing roof top pool which had amazing views over Dubai, we were close to the train station so access to anywhere in Dubai was so easy.  And we were walking distance to the mall of Emirates.

The highlight was the dessert safari that we did.  First day we arrived, we were picked up at our hotel in the afternoon and driven to the dessert (approx 60min drive). It was beautiful the sun was out,  and the sand looked so inviting. Cruising through the dessert was wild, fast and exhilarating at times. How we didn’t flip the vehicle I have no idea. We arrived at our dinner spot where we enjoyed camel rides and a fantastic buffet dinner, henna tattoos, and a show of belly dancing, flame throwing and so much more! Our evening was fabulous! You have to experience this when you’re next in Dubai!!!

Any of your hotels would be able to arrange an book a Dessert Safari for you.

Breakfast was well earned as we were off to explore. We walked around the beautiful marina, filled with fancy yatchs and high rise glass buildings, then we were told to head to the observatory in The Marriott Hotel to enjoy a beverage and watch over The Palms. Our afternoon we spent on a beach with The Burj Al Arab as our backdrop. Our day was almost complete, but we had to make one last stop, the singing fountain at The Mall of Dubai! It did not disappoint, there were hundreds of people surrounding the dam, Whitney Houston started to sing through the speakers and the water rose into the air, it was incredible, this was one of my highlights of our trip, although don’t be late, its one song and thats it, if you miss the show you have to wait until the next show in 30mins. There is also a cool aquarium inside the mall which is a must see, you can either pay to walk through the aquarium or just enjoy it whilst walking by the mall. We ate dinner at the mall which was very expensive, so make sure you choose wisely.

Our last day in Dubai we decided to have a lazy day up on the roof around the pool, we ordered lunch and swam and enjoyed the warm winter sun on our bodies. Then we headed to the airport and caught a 2am flight to Adelaide, Australia.

Dubai has a lot

of attractions to offer, I recommend 3 nights near the city, we stayed in Jumeirah area as its close to everything and considered one of the nicer areas to stay. Winter is the best time of year to visit which is December through to March.

Enjoy xxx

Dessert Safari
Dessert Safari
Dessert Safrai – camel
Dessert Safrai – Belly Dancer
Dubai Marina
The Palms
Burj Al Arab
Mall of Emirates
Mall of Emirates

Mozambique – Part 1 – July 2018

We were off to celebrate my good friends 30th Birthday Party in Paradise (Mozambique/Ponto De Ouro)

We had been travelling locally on and off for weeks and were welcoming the idea of lying on the beach sipping rum and Raspberry for 5 days. While we did this……there was also lots of activity, walking, eating and drinking.

Day 1, 2 and 3 we explored the town of Ponto, we walked the sandy streets  and local salesmen trying to you in their shops to purchase their goods, anything from beautifully wooden carved key rings, local beer bottles, serving platters and more. Literally anything was sold from these road side shops, from clothes, alcohol to coconut ice cream and wedding dresses.

The smell of freshly baked bread, we found the most delightful bakery that sold freshly baked goods on a daily basis, our firm favourite quickly became a Portuguese dessert called pasteis de nata, custard and pastry where can you go wrong.

We drove about 15km to find a restaurant called 360degrees and had the best peri peri chicken with the most amazing views stretching to the boarder of South Africa.

Our days started with early morning runs on the beach, coffee with a sea view and ended with sun kissed bodies with the smell of factor 50 sunscreen and full bellies.

Ah bliss….but the adventure was just about to begin


Aloe Steam Train July 2018

I have been working on some exciting new ideas and will introduce you all to this in my next blog, but first I thought I would tell you all about the Aloe Steam Train in Creighton, Kwa-Zulu Natal.

You may be thinking where is Creighton….well you very right, its a small town South of Durban. Staying in Hillcrest/Kloof it took us roughly 2 hours to get there.

So aloe season is around June/July and we were lucky enough to catch the last train of the season to check out the flowering of the Aloes.

Get up and get onto the road as soon as you can so that you arrive at the station with time to grab a bacon and egg roll and a cup of hot coffee. Then you board the train, depending on what ticket you bought you are allocated a coach, there is a “A” class coach, then a middle class and i guess a lower class.

Once we got started the views were spectacular, we passed beautiful landscapes, clean clear rivers and then we got to see the Aloe’s who didn’t disappoint they were vibrant in colour by the thousands along the rolling hills.

We enjoyed a sherry whilst catching up with friends and family, and we had a helpful gentleman who gave me useful information about where we were and what rivers we were passing, and finally what town we were stopping at.

Riversend was a quaint little town and the locals welcomed us with song and dance, all the children were dressed up in traditional gear and had some entertainment for us as we waited for the rain to turn around. This is an opportunity for the locals to make some extra money  🙂

I think the highlight for me was when the train stopped and everyone jumped off, the train then backed up and we had an opportunity to stand along side the railway as the train raced by leaving us with the trembling ground underneath our feet, the sound of the engines ringing through our ears and the feel of the soot on our faces and through our hair, what a feeling!!!!

This is a great day out for the family and kids if you don’t mind the drive.

Booking information

The entire trip is 3 hours long, starting at 10am – 1pm

Adults R200.00 – R300.00 dependent on where you sit

Kids R170.00 – R250.00 dependent on where you sit .

You can prebook lunch at the country club for around R90.00 per person.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram…

Drakensberg Central June 2018

What an amazing trip to Central berg, 2.5hour drive from Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal.

This was a birthday gift for JH (me too😊) and I booked us into a cave for the week end. It is situated 300km from the Drakensberg Boys Choir, on a private property overlooking a rock pool.

Living like the flintstones we arrived to find a beautifully lit rock cave, fully self-catering we had a kitchen, a queen-sized bed which was heated and a stunning ensuite bathroom.


On Saturday we woke up bright and early and had breakfast by the pool, which is technically our dining room while the birds chirped away and heard nothing but the wilderness.

Then off we went to a bird of prey show, which was AMAZING!!! Set in the valley is a rehabilitation centre which holds anything from vultures, owls, falcons to eagles.

On our arrival there were some of the “show birds” on display on the open field awaiting their moment in the lime light. We got to see and learnt about the black eagle, fish eagles, owls and falcons the birds were amazing and free to spread their wings in the sky. These birds were so well trained to fly high above the clouds until summoned by their instructor to come home and grab a chicken neck treat.

If you in the Central Berg area please support these guys they are doing amazing work – Falcon Ridge Birds of Prey Centre

Day made!!!!


Lunch time – we found the most divine bakery called The Champagne Valley Bakery, walking in we could smell the freshly baked goods just waiting for us to enjoy them, the place was packed full of tourists and locals purchasing their bakes for tea parties, dinner dates and much more. We found a quaint table inside which was full of local artists work on sale. Lunch was amazing I enjoyed a wrap and a cappuccino.


It was a fairly crisp day and after the lunch I felt like kicking my gorgeous boyfriends butt at a game of putt-putt. We played at Monk’s Cowl, a 18 hold putt-putt coarse, winner paud for drinks…. lets just say I enjoyed my well-deserved free beer 😊


That night we had a braai and star gazed. Not only because we wanted to but because there was load shedding – this is when our electricity is cut for several hours to conserve power.


Sunday was great we had breakfast out at the pool and put on our takkies for a hike at Monk’s Cowl.

R40 per person gets you into the Ezemvelo Wildlife Estate. A 3-4km hike through the amazing Drakensberg, JH skinny sipped in a clear, cold pool of water, we drank from this water too and it was delicious.

Overall this was a great week end away trip, hit me up if you need any details on the activities we did.

Stay safe and spread the love <3


Johannesburg Trip – April 2018

So I have missed you all so much, I have been very naughty by not posting and now i have decided to get my butt into gear.

So firstly Ill tell you a little about our JHB trip at the beginning of April. It was super fun we saw lots of family and got to sneak in a trip to the Vaal River - namely an adventure team building camp site called Hadeda Creek.

Hadeda Creek is a very special place just outside Parys (Not to be mistaken with Paris :-/) not just because they offer amazing team building facilities and conferencing but because of their white water rafting.

So on arrival we had tea/coffee, we jumped into the truck and drove 35minutes until we reached the part of the river where we would start our 15km raft back to camp.

We had an amazing time, I had my wonderful boyfriend in my boat and had my friend Charlene and his friend Travis join each other in a boat (We were not trying to fix them up I swear - heehee)

The scenery was spectacular, the river was at 100% and the company was superb.

After a long day on the water we reached camp, showered and off we went to check out the wonders of Parys. For some reason we landed up in a dark bar playing pool and drinking hunters dry.

That night we enjoyed an amazing dinner and sat around the bonfire  chatting while mother nature spoilt us to a full moon reflecting over the river.

Life is good!

Kosi Bay 2018

January 16th, 2018 – Day 1 – car is packed, the work day was over and off we went up the north coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal to Leopard Mountain for the night. We had good friends, a hired 4×4 and a trailer filled with goods for a few days worth of snorkeling, tanning, braaing and turtle viewing. Still though, we had two passengers waiting in Hluhluwe, more specifically Leopard Mountain Lodge. This is a fantastic 4 star safari lodge which offers its guests the Big Five game viewing, spectacular views and delicious South African foods.

We arrived late at night after a 3.5hr drive, were welcomed by friends and their two dogs. We discussed the adventures that lay ahead for us over the next days, what we expected from the trip and expressed our hopes of finding turtles laying their eggs.

An early stat to our morning we had coffee with a view over the game reserve, we packed the vehicle and began our 10 hour scenic trip to Kosi Bay.

Being a 4×4, and 7 people, two had to take turns being crammed into the back canopy of the vehicle. That was ok as we stopped constantly to enjoy the views, to stretch our legs and stop to discuss the local bird life. A large part of the drive was through game reserves and the isimangaliso wetland park which was absolutely amazing, highly recommended!!! From gravel roads to sandy paths we kept moving towards our campsite Bhanga Nek, Kosi Bay.

After a long day in the sun, and cramped into our vehicle we made it to our community campsite.

The sun was starting to go down and we unpacked our belongings into our tents. All that was left to do was braai for dinner and have an early night….tomorrow was going to be amazing!

Best part of the day – Swimming in Lake Sibiya with a crocodile sun bathing 150 metres away.

Leopard Mountain Lodge

Isimangaliso Wetlands Park

Lake Sibiya

Being crammed

Leisure Bay

We had the amazing opportunity to stay in an large double storey beach house in Leisure Bay for Christmas 2017.

Right on the beach what more could we ask for? Long walks on the beach, refreshing swims in the ocean and outside candle lit dinners.

One day the weather was not playing ball and we decided to go exploring. That is where we found Beaver Creek in Port Edward, South Coast, KZN. Its a coffee farm and cafe which offers coffee tours, coffee tasting, an opportunity to purchase the farmed coffee and a lovely restaurant. Defiantly recommend that you stop in and check it out the next time you’re in the area.

Christmas Eve dinner consisted of a large family dinner, roast lamb, pumpkin, roast potatoes and for dessert a rich chocolate roulade. We were all very full, festive and excited for Christmas to arrive.

I was awake from 05:30am Christmas morning just waiting excitedly like a kid to open her presents. We all sat down to a decadent breakfast of donuts, apple danish’s and croissants. Soon after,the gifts began  everyone got very spoilt including me.

Unfortunately at about lunch time we had to leave and make the drive to Mooi River in the Midlands. 3.5 hours here we go…..

Mooi River Part 1

And I am on holiday, after a long but successful year.

car is packed and off we go to Mooi River Only a 1.5 hour drive from Hillcrest, to a magical trout farm on the outskirts of the town.

No electricity! Entertainment  that you could find here is the incredible bird watching, fly fishing, scenic runs through the forest and farms which look over Giant’s Castle and drinking, lots of drinking.

I spent my days reading by the water and discussing the crazy year that is about to pass us by. Our evenings were taken up next to the braai with a glass of wine, watching an amazing fire show and listening to the frog choir put me to sleep.

We were only here for two nights but we had great weather and thus began our 2017 festive holidays.