
So in my efforts to try eat less red meat I decided to try home made Falafels.

We often buy falafel wraps at the farmers market and we absolutely loooooove them, so we thought we would give it a bash ourselves and see if we could master the falafel 🙂


400g chick peas (dry them out if you using the tinned chickpeas)

Chopped chillies

A handful of coriander

Crushed garlic

Salt and paper

Teaspoon of tumeric

A handful of parsley

Blend it all up until it becomes like a thick paste, we used quite a bit of olive oil and Dijon mustard for taste and to help blend.

Then we molded them into patties with some flour and fried them in a non stick pan.

WaaaLaaaa!!        Home made falafels – add a green side salad and hummus/ sweet onion chutney.

Johannesburg Trip – April 2018

So I have missed you all so much, I have been very naughty by not posting and now i have decided to get my butt into gear.

So firstly Ill tell you a little about our JHB trip at the beginning of April. It was super fun we saw lots of family and got to sneak in a trip to the Vaal River - namely an adventure team building camp site called Hadeda Creek.

Hadeda Creek is a very special place just outside Parys (Not to be mistaken with Paris :-/) not just because they offer amazing team building facilities and conferencing but because of their white water rafting.

So on arrival we had tea/coffee, we jumped into the truck and drove 35minutes until we reached the part of the river where we would start our 15km raft back to camp.

We had an amazing time, I had my wonderful boyfriend in my boat and had my friend Charlene and his friend Travis join each other in a boat (We were not trying to fix them up I swear - heehee)

The scenery was spectacular, the river was at 100% and the company was superb.

After a long day on the water we reached camp, showered and off we went to check out the wonders of Parys. For some reason we landed up in a dark bar playing pool and drinking hunters dry.

That night we enjoyed an amazing dinner and sat around the bonfire  chatting while mother nature spoilt us to a full moon reflecting over the river.

Life is good!